Hello From Israel
So it has been a little over two weeks in the holy land and I have been busy. So much so that my blog has been a little neglected. One of the things I am doing is putting together a documentary on the city of Sderot (pronounced like Stir-rOt). Sderot is a mile from the Gaza border and has borne the brunt of Hamas rocket attacks. Most of the people there live in bomb shelters for fear of attack. I was working with a variety of footage that was shot both in Sderot and Washington D.C (the mayor of Sderot visited D.C. in February). I have a rough cut down running about 23 minutes.
One of the other things we did was shoot a program on Holocaust Memorial Day. At 10am the whole country stops and pays respect with a moment of silence much like we do on Remembrance Day. By some weird twist of fate the Durbin 2 conference on Racism took place in Geneva with its keynote speaker being notorious anti-jew hater Iran president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Canada, the U.S.A, and many other countries boycotted this debacle, and many more walked out during his speak. However, still many more stayed and even applauded this monster. Anyways, the show was an attempt to show our frustration on that as well. I ended up editing the thing together and dubbing off copies for our T.V networks across the world.
Tonite is going to be a lot of fun as I am going to a dress rehearal performance of the celebration of Israel's 61st birthday. We are gonna be shooting and my cousin-in-law Adi is choreographing the whole thing. I am just waiting for my ride.
Another thing that is on the agenda is a little freelance photography of the old city, which I hope to do in the next few days. Oh yeah and Tuesday is the actual birthday of Israel (according to the Jewish Calender) and so we are gonna be out celebrating. Pray that God will protect people during the celebration as Al Qaida has made rumblings about doing naughty stuff.
Anyways, I gotta go. Much love and Shalom from Israel. Paul