It has been a busy time and been here and there in the past few days. I guess my last formal update was more than a week ago and so I am getting emails about what is going on. On the going part, I'm still in Tel Aviv. The plan is to catch a bus back to Jerusalem later today. Also on the going is the fact that I am. At least soon. July 3rd I fly back to London for a few days, then onto Seattle for a night, then to Mexico for a week, then back home.
I few weeks ago I mentioned the light show. Well me and Dan went back and filmed some of it for a potential program. Then the whole crew was busy working on ZAKA. Wednesday, we went down to a bedouin village in the south of Israel and filmed a Sheik that was working for ZAKA. Then we had lunch, and really Lunch is cool when your hanging with the bedouins. Lots of food, it was a crazy feast (so much that I couldn't really eat for the rest of the day). I was also partially hungover (long story that I will get into in a moment) so I was not myself stomach wise. Still it was awesome. Then onto Sderot. Many of you may know about Sderot, particularly from my blog if you've been regularly reading. Sderot is where many of the rockets fired from Gaza have fallen. Over 3 a day in the past decade. I got a good look at a bomb shelter and a grand tour of the police station. In the back of the station there are shelves of exploded rocket shrapnel piled up. Fortunately a rocket did not fall during our time there. I then said goodbye to Jay and David and hopped a cab to Tel Aviv. I got a great price for the 45 minute trip (70 sheks about 16 CAD) which apparently is nuts for a cab. It sounded like the cabbie was taking his girlfriend back to Sderot and then heading back to Tel Aviv and so he gave me a good deal.
Tel Aviv is cool and different from Jerusalem. A little more secular but very nice. The beach was great and I also hit up a cool record store here. Me and Josh went to Jaffa where we met his girlfriend and then wandered around the old city of Jaffa for a while. I had my share of accidents though as I banged my knee climbing off a metal cannon. It is ok but I do have a bruise. Then I managed to collapse a chair at a bar. I am a little hefty so I'm not surprised actually. The bar owners where very nice and gave me a free beer on the house which was nice. Of course by now everybody knows about MJ and I found out yesterday that something big had happened because his face was plastered all over the Hebrew papers. Of course I cant read Hebrew so I thought that he had maybe canceled the tour or something. Then out of all the shops on the street they all start playing Michael Jackson and that make me more curious. Finally I get to a computer and learn the news. Sad to see, again he was a troubled man but I hope he got his life together in the end. Plus I love Thriller.......great album.
Onto the hangover story, and I mention this as a cautionary tale. I'm not anti drinking obviously but there are certain little things you should know before going crazy. 1) Know the alchohol content of what you are drinking. 2) Don't mix 3) Drink water. 4) Liquours are of the devil. Seriously I opened this bottle of wine and it was a smaller bottle so I proceeded to drink it. It was dessert wine and that stuff packs a punch. Not a pleasant following morning, and trying to drink water when your stomach is all awry is not pleasurable too. So stay away from the Dessert wine. It's a drink straight from the pit of Beelzebub's stomach. Live and learn people. trust me. I don't put this on here to brag, cuz it's kind of embarrassing (when I say embarass I emphasize ASS. I'm like the guy at Woodstock telling the kids to stay away from the brown acid. Seriously, this is for your benefit.
Anywho, stay cool everyone and I will see you guys soon, God bless. Paul